Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Day 126 of 2020

Another load of silage turned up this morning.
What's particularly interesting about this photo (to us, at least!) is that the big rig is stopped there in the middle of the paddock because he couldn't get any further! 
We had 2" of rain in the previous 24 hours and the paddock was too soft for such a heavy vehicle.
When the silage was unloaded he backed out, no trouble.

See you tomorrow,


  1. Great to have some more rain but good the truck didn't get bogged.

  2. So glad you got the rain!! We’re needing some too!

  3. Good to hear you got some rain, good also the truck didn't get bogged. MOYL has good grabby things on his tractor for moving the bales. Hopefully you don't have to buy too much more silage.


Thanks for stopping by to see what I've been up to today.