Monday, June 3, 2013


I had a great time with this 365 day blog (May 1st 2012 to April 30th 2013 (approx). I thoroughly enjoyed the challenge of taking the photos - trying to keep my photos relatively fresh and seeing those wow moments in each day - and making the not-so-wow moments interesting and photographable :-)
So when two of my 365-day buddies recently started another photography project, I thought "Why not jump in too!"
For the month of June (OK I'm a little late!) a photo a day from a predetermined list (found here).
First up is a self portrait...oh dear.... Sharon and Rachel have shown beautiful mirror photos but mine is an arm's length sort of photo while doing stock work.
I had just got the giggles at myself after taking goofy-face photos!
Feel free to join us in this adventure :-)
See you tomorrow,


  1. Glad to see you, Raewyn. And lots of giggles for this new project.

  2. Love it and I am goinig to join you if I may.

    Warm regards,

  3. Made me smile big when I saw your smile!!! I'm looking forward to visiting each of you, but will pass on photos!



Thanks for stopping by to see what I've been up to today.