Monday, August 19, 2024

Day 230 of 2024

A near collapse after the afternoon milking meant a trip to our Dr (we're lucky he does after-hours visits!).
Understanding how the MOML's body reacts to a (relatively minor) virus. He'd been battling one for a week. All his obs were fine, rest-rest-rest is required.
(Yes, difficult at this time of the year but thank goodness for our son-in-law!)

See you tomorrow,


  1. Hope hubby feels much better soon and rests. So good to have son-in-law close to help.

  2. Oh dear. Do hope he is starting to feel better. So good that you have family near by. xx

  3. This is not good. Hope is is on the improve now.

  4. Hopefully he does rest and is better soon. It will be hard for him knowing what needs to be done. Thank heavens for your son in law. Less stress for you if he rests too.


Thanks for stopping by to see what I've been up to today.