Sunday, May 31, 2020

Day 151 of 2020

"We can do anything our cousin can do...."

See you tomorrow,

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Day 150 of 2020

On their way to a fresh paddock.

See you tomorrow,

Friday, May 29, 2020

Day 149 of 2020

Thursday = Playcentre day.
The (nearly) 2 year old being pushed by the (nearly) 5 year old and both having a blast!

See you tomorrow,

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Day 148 of 2020

The photo doesn't do it justice but I looked out the window at work and the leaves were just glistening in the rain. It was really lovely!

See you tomorrow,

Day 147 of 2020

It's been a while since I've done this - gluten free bread in the breadmaker.
Very exciting, cutting that first slice!

See you tomorrow,

Day 146 of 2020

It's taken me a while to get to this, but finally progress is being made!

See you tomorrow,

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Day 145 of 2020

More intricate feeding methods.
I've discovered the cats (Nigel and Timmie) get a better feed if I feed them out of reach of the scavenger-dog!

See you tomorrow,

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Day 144 of 2020

Yep, *this* is still a thing.
Katie Cat waiting patiently for a feed.

See you tomorrow,

Day 143 of 2020

"Quick! Move! Miss Piggy is coming!!"
Her idea of a greeting is to lean against you for a scratch......

See you tomorrow,

Friday, May 22, 2020

Day 142 of 2020

Back to a little normality.
Playcentre was able to start up again today.

See you tomorrow,

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Day 141 of 2020

Fleeting company on my walk today.

See you tomorrow,

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Day 140 of 2020

Pushing the limits.
Not quite ready to use the rope to scale the last rungs into the tree but having a good climb anyway!

See you tomorrow,

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Day 139 of 2020

(Not a particularly clear photo but the only one I took today that was useable.)
Nice for us that restaurants are now open so we could celebrate our 35th wedding anniversary ♥

See you tomorrow,

Day 138 of 2020

Another misty morning...the cows all moved over to the top corner to catch the sun.
They were waiting for us to finish our breakfast so they could be shifted to a new paddock.

See you tomorrow,

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Day 136 of 2020

I love those misty mornings where the valleys look like rivers!

See you tomorrow,

Friday, May 15, 2020

Day 135 of 2020

A good day's sewing!

See you tomorrow,

Day 134 of 2020

Finally, our first fire!!
And knitting to go with it!

See you tomorrow,

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Day 133 of 2020

I was starting to wonder whether I should start running home with big black clouds gathering, but 
I got home safe and dry!

See you tomorrow,

Day 132 of 2020

So cute that they make the iconic kiwi Redbands in kiddie sizes too!

See you tomorrow,

Day 131 of 2020

Feijoa season is nearly finished so it's great that Mandarin season has started.

See you tomorrow,

Day 130 of 365

Somewhere, under years of topped up and compacted metal, is
a water pipe the farmer is trying to find.
His water divining skills tell him it is there somewhere, but not the
exact position nor depth!

See you tomorrow,

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Day 129 of 2020

A quick walk before breakfast turned into a longer walk before breakfast as I spied a Fernbird looking for its breakfast.
They're a little non-descript to look at but as their population is declining I'm happy to see them about. The rat and stoat trapping in the reserve is working as numbers here seem to be growing.
They are not good fliers apparently so are ground dwellers rather than tree dwellers, it seems, so that would be why they are so vulnerable.
I also saw one very briefly on yesterday's walk which was on the bush track on the other side of the farm. I saw that one briefly and then only saw the ferns moving as it flitted around in the undergrowth chirping. They have the most boring chirp ever - but that is very distinctive in itself!
Here's a link, with sound clips to the right of the page.

See you tomorrow,

Day 128 of 2020

Buying in feed is becoming increasingly difficult (and pricey) as there are still so many areas experiencing drought conditions. We've had to buy in some maize silage (as opposed to grass silage), which is fed with straw. Today was the first day of feeding it and the cows weren't too fussed on it - apparently they will become used to the different taste and will get hooked.
The MOML fed out for tomorrow and the chooks had no hesitancy in getting stuck into the maize!
As you can see, after the recent rain, we're starting to grow some grass. We've just about had enough rain to declare we're 'out of drought'!!
As you can see, some were eating it, most went for the grass first! They did get hungry as the day wore on and picked through the new maize/straw combo!

See you tomorrow,

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Day 127 of 2020

Time to pull out the needles and yarn for some winter knits.

See you tomorrow,

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Day 126 of 2020

Another load of silage turned up this morning.
What's particularly interesting about this photo (to us, at least!) is that the big rig is stopped there in the middle of the paddock because he couldn't get any further! 
We had 2" of rain in the previous 24 hours and the paddock was too soft for such a heavy vehicle.
When the silage was unloaded he backed out, no trouble.

See you tomorrow,

Day 125 of 2020

Whoops these two again!
Enjoying some fruit picking time.
They swapped places several times so they both got to sit on 
the wider post, rather than just the skinny rail!

See you tomorrow,

Day 124 of 2020

Our bubble now includes a couple of small people ♥
George enjoyed some one on one time while his sister was asleep.

See you tomorrow,

Day 123 of 2020

It's that time of the year - when colourful fungi appear.

See you tomorrow,

Monday, May 4, 2020

Day 122 of 2020

Just happened to look out the window at the right time while preparing the evening meal.

See you tomorrow,