Friday, July 17, 2020

Day 195 of 2020

I've been down at Mum's.
She's planning a move after living in this house for about 48 years.
My task was to empty all the high cupboards.
Kitchen cupboards done.

See you tomorrow,


  1. It is a challenging job Reawyn,to move after being in one place for so long, good you could help your Mum.

  2. So good Mum had you to help as it's a huge job after so many years..

  3. Oh my, such a job. I had to empty my mums house often 45 years and that was huge. Well done.

  4. Good luck!! Hope she is ready to toss lots out. I am still recovering from doing this for my mum last year!

  5. Such a big job. She is lucky to have you to help. And those pink cupboard doors are so sweet!

  6. do those pink cupboards also have a lovely laminate to go with them........mine look the same vintage and I have a grey marble look laminate


Thanks for stopping by to see what I've been up to today.