Saturday, January 4, 2014

Days 1-4 of 365

What do I do when two good friends (Sharon and Doniene) start up the challenge again - yep, leap in and join them!
Another year - another journey!
A photo a day for 365 days.
Day 1—
Start the year as I intend to carry on.....
Day two —
We have company...
 Day three —
Packed away for another year; but look there were still three chocolates hanging on the tree.....
 Day four —
A lovely day to visit the beach (Pataua North)...
See you tomorrow!


  1. I'm sooooooo glad that you did!!! What a beautiful view of the beach! I'm such a land lubber - but do want to visit the beaches some day!


  2. Happy new Year to you Raewyn . I always enjoy your posts.

  3. What a great way to start the year. I hope there is plenty of fabric and piecing in my year also. Glad to have you along for the 365 days.


Thanks for stopping by to see what I've been up to today.